Brother Estephan Nehme
“God can see me”
Brother Estephan

Glimpse at Brother Estephan Nehme’s life
08-03-1889 : He was born in Lehfed
15-03-1889 : He was baptized at Our Lady Church in Lehfed
1905 : He integrated into the Lebanese Maronite Order
23-08-1907 : He pronounced his simple vows and wore novices cassock
1908-1910 : Our Lady of Mayfouk Monastery
1910-1913 : Saint Antonios Monastery in Houb
1913-1922 : Our Lady of Mayfouk Monastery (for the second time)
1922-1924 : Saint Antonios Monastery in Houb (for the second time)
13-04-1924 : Saint Antonios Monastery in Houb where Father Youssef Mattar from Lehfed blessed his solemn vows
1924-1928 : Saint Challita Monastery in Kettara
1928-1938 : Notre Dame des Secours Monastery in Jbeil
30-08-1938 : After spending six months in Sts Cyprian and Justine Monastery in Kfifane, he passed away in the said convent.
10-03-1951 : His body was revealed non decayed
27-12-2001 : A file on his virtues was submitted to the Holy See and the tomb was sealed with red wax in order to keep it out of hands reach.
17-12-2007 : He was recognized Venerable by the Holy See Pope Benedict XVI
17-01-2009 : The Congregation for the causes of the Sts in Rome was held to discuss his beatification
27-06-2010 : He was recognized Blessed in Sts Cyprian and Justine Monastery in Kfifane by the Archbishop Angelo Amato, S.D.B. Prefect of the Congregation for the causes of saints in the Vatican.
On the holy ground of Lebanon, Brother Estephan Nehme saw the light, under the wings of the Maronite Church he grew up and in the care of the Lebanese Order he raised. He was inspired by the spirit of worship and the motivation of holiness transferring them in his turn to upcoming generations.
his birth
Brother Estephan Nehme was born in Lehfed, on March 8th, 1889. His parents, Estephan Bou Haykal Nehme and Christina Badawi Hanna Khaled were very decent. He was baptized on March 15th, 1889, at Our Lady Church of Lehfed, by Father Gerges Fadel. He was given the name of Youssef.
his life
Youssef grew up in the warmth of his parents. He was the youngest among three boys and two girls. He was pampered by everyone and he brought joy, and he was the angel of the family. He used to run away from noise and prefer loneliness and quiet. When he wanted to pray, he went to a peaceful place where he could meditate and listen to God. He learnt the basics reading and writing as well as Christian teachings principles with the children of the village under the trees near the Church of Saint Estephan. Since his childhood, Youssef loved God and holy Mother Mary. When Her name was mentioned, his heart jumped joyfully especially when he recited the rosary slowly, meditating each word and
sentence. He prayed with deep faith and piety. He used to remind his family to start the traditional evening prayer that fermented the members and turn the Christians houses into a paradise corner.
Youssef was not sociable and he was not interested in parties, even among family. On the contrary, he preferred to stay at home and pray late at night. Afterwards, he went to bed and repeated: “God can see me, God can see me. Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, help me at the moment of death.”
His integration to the Lebanese Maronite Order
In 1905, when he was 16 year old, Youssef left his parental house heading to the Monastery of Saints Cyprian and Justine in Kfifane in order to become monk. Eight days later, he wore the novices’ cassock and took the name of “Estephanos”.
On August 23rd, 1907, the Superior of the Convent, Father Youassaf Saker from Kfoun, blessed the simple vows of Brother Estephan who wore the novices’ cassock.
Afterwards, B. Estephan spent a 31 year monastic life: twelve years at the Monastery of Our Lady in Mayfouk, ten years at the Monastery of Notre Dame des Secours in Jbeil, three years at the Monastery of Saint Antonios in Houb and around seven months at the Monastery of Kfifane. He also lived in Saint Chalita Monastery in Kettara and the Monastery of Saint Maron in Annaya.
Brother Estephan has demarcated the borders of the Order’s land when the latter bought it. He was conveyed to reveal the marks after a long conflict. When he achieved his mission and resolved the problem due to his perspicacity, his cleverness as well as his good intention, he went back to the Monastery of Kfifane. He was extremely tired and ill.
In the evening, when he was sitting with the other monks, Brother Charbel Nehmeh, before going to sleep, asked him if he wanted to get his jar filled with water, and he answered: “Do whatever you want”. When B. Charbel was heading towards the room of the said monk to bring the jar, B. Antonios Ramy followed him asking: “Where is water?” When he followed him, they found out that B. Estephan passed away.
Report on his death:
Brother Estephan had a pious life that ended virtuously at the Monastery of Saints Cyprian and Justine, on August 30th, 1938
Father Antonios Nehme, Superior of Kfifane Monastery, wrote in the register of deceased monks, number 22:
“On Tuesday 30th of August, 1938, at 7 pm, B. Estephan from Lehfed left this ephemeral world at the age of 49. He was a helpful monk and devoted to the interests of the monastery. He was strong and sturdy, peaceful, kind and sober. He worked in the fields and he was skillful in manual labor. He respected his duties as well as his vows and achieved the required mission meticulously.
Few days before his decease, he went to the Monastery of Mayfouk in order to demarcate the lands of the Maronite Order who bought during the war some pieces of land. Last fall, the partners rebelled claiming the possession of the lands’ totality. Thus, the Order was obliged to prove this possession and confirm it. The monks convened then the topographers in order to demarcate the monastery’s borders. It is worth mentioning that the said people have hidden the limits so that they embezzle the returns. The late monk was convened to uncover the limits since he was present in Mayfouk at the moment of sale. At the end, the borders were revealed as consented at the moment of sale. But B. Estephan got a sunstroke which caused him a severe fever that led to an apoplexy that put an end to his life. May he rest in peace!”
This dear monk passed away at the age of 49. He deceased full of holiness and graces. His work in the field as well as his presence in the different convents, were printed by his humanitarian, Christian and monastic spirit. His prints are still alive and still shining until present.
Brother Estephan was buried in the tomb of monks in the monastery of Kfifane. On March 10th, 1951, while monks were burying the late Father Youssef Souraty who spent his sunset in this convent, they found the body of Brother Estephan non decayed. Then, he was moved to a new tomb where he lays today and where visitors seek his intercession or ask the grace of healing.
Brother Estephan, Venerable and Blessed
Forty eight years after the death of B. Estephan, whereas his body was still safe and sound and people flow from the four corners of Lebanon in order to visit his tomb and get blessed by touching him and asking his intercession, and whereas God had performed extraordinary miracles through him and his news was spread all over the country as well as worldwide, the Lebanese Maronite Order submitted a file to the Holy See, enclosing all his virtues and asked for his venerability recognition. His tomb was sealed with red wax and it was forbidden to touch his body.
On December 17th, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI recognized Brother Estephan Nehme Venerable. Furthermore, the Congregation for the causes of saints was held in the Vatican to study the process of the beatification of the said monk. Theological experts voted unanimously for the healing miracle attributed to him which is the healing of Sister Marina Nehmeh, his brother’s daughter, from osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
Brother Estephan was recognized Blessed on the altar of the Lord on June 27th, 2010 at the Monastery of Saints Cyprian and Justine in Kfifane, by Archbishop Angelo Amato, S.D.B. Prefect of the Congregation for the causes of saints.
Dear brothers, let us count on God, source of all graces and blessings, asking Him to lift Brother Estephan to the rank of saints so that he joins his saint brothers in the Lebanese Maronite Order: Charbel, Rafka and Nehmatalah. As Saint Paul says: “The crown of Glory is kept for you”, you loyal servant and faithful monk.
May the Lebanese Order remain a school of holiness.
Brother Estephan – The body
“The Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Thus, when man becomes lifeless, he goes back to dust from where he was taken first. This is the rule of life and death. Some people think that almighty God save the body of a number of saints from decay to show the eminence of their holiness as well as to venerate them. Others believe that God keeps the body of these blessed people away from decay so that they become a real ideal and a true example for believers. However, the truest is that the good condition of the body is not the unique proof to confirm the holiness of these distinguished people whose body remains non decayed after death. Many saints returned to dust after death and were recognized saints and were presented as well on the altars of the Church.
In 1951, thirteen years after the death of Brother Estephan, Father Youssef Souraty passed away at the monastery of Saints Cyprian and Justine in Kfifan. This is when the monks opened the grave in order to bury him that they found out the living body of Brother Estephan, as if he deceased few hours ago. He was still supple, with the whole parts and organs of his body, even his hair and his beard had not fallen. His clothes were still new and out of rot. They lifted him up from the ground where he was laying, and was put in a tomb.
In 1962, the Superior of Kfifane’s Monastery, Father Eghnatius Khachan, charged a legal doctor to examine the body of Brother Estephan. He reported that all the organs and parts of the said monk were still safe from decay or any other disfiguration and deterioration. As for the color of the skin, it was almost brown. His members were supple and almost normal as well as the muscles and the belly skin. His hair was also preserved.
Soon the news was spread in the neighborhood and crowds flowed to the monastery to visit the mausoleum seeking his blessings… Consequently, the Generalate of Lebanese Maronite Order decided to lock the door of the grave where the body of Brother Estephan lays peacefully till present.
The process of this worker monk reached the land of holiness. His body was left to us as a witness of this holiness and an ideal to follow in order to live the depth of our Christian life with all faith and pureness. This is how we get closer to our Lord God who keeps on calling us and inviting us to be filled with his parental love which is but the aim of our existence and the way that leads to Him.
Brother Estephan – Spirituality
The Lebanese Maronite spirituality is founded on Christian faith as well as on living the presence of God. It is based on prayer and work through meditation, asceticism and silence for the real monk is a man of prayer and penitence. Therefore, the monastic process, since its foundation and till present, seeks to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ perfectly and completely according to His words: “Pray tirelessly”. Prayer is thus a dialogue with God, rather than an act of love. Charbel, Rafka, Nehmatalah and Brother Estephan, the Saints of the Lebanese Maronite Order, have lived their monastic life in austerity, prayer and endless love, moving thus through holiness from this ephemeral world to the eternal ending.
Spirituality of Brother Estephan
When meditating the life of Brother Estephan Nehme and reviewing the testimonies and proofs on the continuous ascension of his mind and soul towards God, we can tell that this man was a spiritual citizen.
Since his childhood, he preferred remoteness, loneliness and silence. According to his brothers, he used to seek refuge in the fields where he could pray and meditate. He felt for a long time a great aspiration to join Christ and he consecrated thus his life to Him by choosing the monastic way.
Brother Estephan Nehme spent most of his time in the monasteries praying and working. His sole work consisted of working the land. Thus, his feet treated on its soil which was watered by his sweat. Both were mutually sanctified.
He used to participate in all masses without any exception. Afterwards, he spent the rest of the day praying, meditating, reciting the rosary, kneeling before the Holy Host and working the lands of the convent. For him, time was priceless. He was known by his poverty, his purity and his obedience. He talked few and whenever he had to warn someone, he did it in a low voice.
Brother Estephan was also known by his devoted love towards God as well as towards his brothers the monks and workers who used to help him. Those workers felt as if they were working with a loving brother and not with an authoritarian master. The love he bore to others required a continuous self sacrifice. According to him, the other must be accepted and loved regardless his virtues and vices. Since Brother Estephan was out of means and money, he helped others by offering himself, his tire and his own food. He loved the other more than himself. He gave food to hungry people, according to his relative Brother Gerges Nehmeh who said: “One day, he noticed that one of his workers brought a poor meal, and B. Estephan told him: “Take all my food, I can eat when I go back to the monastery.” The worker refused but in vain, and B. Estephan did not eat anything all the day until he had dinner in the monastery.”
Despite his eminent morals, his rigid piety and his progress in the frame of perfection, he was modest and humble that he neglected himself. His contemporaries said: “He reflected modesty and humbleness in each stage of his life. Thus, he has never boasted or shown off with one of the talents that God gave him. On the contrary, he built his monastic tower on the rigid basis of modesty and he reached an advanced rank of virtues. The smile had never quit his lips.”
Brother Estephan – “God can see me”
The contemporaries and the relatives of Brother Estephan Nehme tell that he used to repeat secretly and publicly this expression: “God can see me.” Thus, he put God in front of his eyes and did his work as if he was in front of the Lord. He repeated it with full conscience that God was staring at him and going in his depth so that He realizes his thoughts and his desires.
“God can see me”, was a slogan of the Venerable Brother Estephan Nehme’s life. He meditated its spiritual meaning and took it as an arm defeating all kind of temptations and obstacles that tried to trouble the clearness of his mind, the purity of his thoughts and the lucidity of his creativity. Thinking of God has dominated all his other thoughts, God and only God. Here in his heart, the Lord whispers, making work easier and suffering less painful.
“God can see me”, and obedience can be respected, poverty can be enjoyed and temptation can be rejected.
“God can see me”, and courage rises and physical strength gets stronger.
“God can see me”, and the intention gets clearer and graces get bigger.
“God can see me”, and the idea of God does not leave the Blessed. The award in Heaven is a great joy.
The idea of God was in him and surrounded him; in the songs of birds, in the green trees, in harvest and in wheat. He saw God in all of these, more than anything else, for he has never aspired to money or to enjoy a good health.
Love does not consist of the presence of the beloved but of the dialogue with him. A dialogue based on respect, trust and joy. He prayed with a deep respect “God can see me”. “Our Father”, this prayer is an act of hope and thankfulness. Whenever he pronounced it gently, the presence of God filled his heart with joy and conciliation. Before starting work, he used to have few minutes of meditation and say: “I will talk to God, He can see me”. Thus, his soul got warmer and he was risen up to the sky and filled with celestial peace.
“God can see me” is a slogan applied by Brother Estephan. On each occasion, he soke the Will of God in order to satisfy Him. He worked with the perfection of love spending his day working. Blessed are you, Estephanos, perfect monk, who consecrated all of your works to God in order to be saved. “God can see me”, you accepted death rather than falling in sin. It is from God that you got a perfect glory. From up the sky, your siege, you came back to seed graces and blessings.