Please note our parish policy, established in order to better serve and prepare our St. Ephrem Family for the reception of the Sacred Mysteries:
Baptism/Confirmation (Sacraments of Initiation)
Please call at least ONE month in advance before desired date. Date is confirmed following the completion of the Sacred Mystery and Sacred Duty – Baptism Preparation Class for Parents and God Parents; this is a one day seminar and is offered on an as needed basis accommodating the time and schedule of the parents and Godparents. Call Deacon Georges for information or to register (619-508-5401). For adult reception of the Sacraments of Initiation, please call the office for more information on RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
First Communion Mystery of the Eucharist and First Confession
Please phone the parish office to register. Preparation for First Communion and First Confession is offered as a two year course of study.
Year One: begins with students currently enrolled in second grade (or higher) and those that have not yet received instruction.
Year Two: (has the required prerequisite) – This course is offered only to those who have completed the First Year Course in Religious Education.
Please phone the office for inquiries. Classes run from September through the last Sunday in April with First Communion held on the first Sunday in May (Feast of Our Lady of Lebanon).
Mystery of Crowning/Marriage
Please contact the parish office at least 6 months prior to the desired date to schedule initial appointment with the pastor or deacon. We offer a course called One in Christ for our Pre Cana Couples.
Holy Orders
If you would like to serve God by preaching his Word, by celebrating the Sacraments, and by serving those in need, you may have a vocation to the priesthood. Why not speak to a priest today or contact the Vocations Office @ (404)525-2504.
First Reconciliation (Confession) is held each year for the students preparing for First Holy Communion during their annual Lenten retreat.
Anointing of the Sick
For those in danger of death please call Fr. Toufic, Deacon Georges or the parish office.
Please phone the parish office to schedule the clergy to confer these Sacramental’s:
- Betrothal Ceremony
- Blessing of a Newborn
- Wakes and Burials
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