Ministries of St. Ephrem Church
Altar Servers
All young boys ages eight and up are encouraged to assist the Priest at the Altar during Divine Liturgy. Training is at different times throughout the year. For inquiry, please call the Parish Office at (619) 337-1350.
The Parish Choirs (adult singers) consists of members of the parish who wish to donate their time and talent to the musical enrichment of the liturgy. For inquiry, please call the Parish Office at (619) 337-1350.
The Word of God is an essential part of our daily worship. Lectors are trained at various times during the year (to be announced) in both English and Arabic. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Deacon Georges at (619)337-1350.
The Ministry of Hospitality is an important element in welcoming the faithful to our community and to the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Men of our parish serve as our head ushers. Women and youth of the parish play an active role in ushering at special liturgies and events throughout the year. If interested, please contact the Parish Office at (619) 337-1350.
Sacristans/Altar Society
The beauty and order of our church is maintained by the love and care of those who attend the altar and sanctuary by cleaning, decorating and setting up the appointment of the various Feast and Sacraments. Work as a Sacristan/Altar Society Member is open to all woman and men who feel called to this type of Ministry. Please call the Parish Office for additional information (619) 337-1350.